B Co., 1st Bn, 15th Inf. Regt. - Seeking Kelly & Flanagan
My name is Joseph J. McRoberts. I was on Kelly Hill with Capt. Kelly (sic) and Lt. Flanagan, B
Co., 1st Bn., 15th Inf. Rgt. Kelly was the C.O. of B Company. Flanagan was 2nd Lt., platoon
leader. Also Lt. Marr, platoon leader, was with us. I was the Forward Observer.
Flanagan and I and my radio operator whose name I don't remember but who had volunteered to go as I
tried to put together an F.O. team from scratch to do a tour of duty, four days, always under intense
mortar fire and some sniper fire, stayed an extra day on Kelly to zero in a company from the 65th Inf.
Regt., Puerto Rican. I was appalled at their lack of discipline and number of casualties they took
just from mortar rounds--talking, moving around. I even heard a guitar, saw smoking in a listening
post, etc.
At any rate, about a week or so later the Chinese overran Kelly and our word was that no one came back.
All kinds of rumors including the Chinese were beheading prisoners in full view of our lines. They
counterattacked a number of times to no avail. It's a long story about the 65th Regiment.
Flanagan, I believe was from Massachusetts. I don't know where Kelly or Marr were from.
Maj. John Eisenhower was the S-3 of the Battalion when I was made LNO to the 1st Battalion. I would
like to get in touch with either Flanagan or Kelly.
Contact: John McRoberts, Jmcr0220@wmconnect.com.
[Posted 6/24/04]
Company B, 19th Infantry Regiment
Seeking information about what happened to Company B when it got to Taegon. I have been on Korean
War websites, but find very little pertaining to Co. B., 19th Regiment. I would welcome any
Contact: Bob Akers, 220 Corral Dr., Dayton, NV 08943; ph. 775-246-5561.
Company B, 19th Infantry Regiment
I am trying to locate Joseph L. Rooney, who joined the company approximately August 1951. He was
from New York, New York in 1951. I am also trying to obtain a company roster for 13 October 1951.
I was in subject company from June 1951 to July 1952.
Contact: Donald Clark. E-mail: donalddongee@aol.com.
[Posted 5/20/08]
Company B, 378 Engineer Combat Battalion

It should read Jarimilla from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I believe Jarimilla was from Company A.
Jarimilla was married the same day as my dad on Oct 2nd or 3rd. They were in Camp Chaffee, Tokyo, and
Korea together.
(Click picture for a larger view)
I am trying to locate people who may have served in Korea with my father. His name is Cpl. Keith
O. Hoard and he was a cook in the Korean War from 1951 to 1953. He was with Company B, 378 Engineer
Combat Battalion. He also went to cook school in Tokyo. Some of the men's names on dad's
photos are the Ford twins, Adams who went to cook school in Japan with my father, Rodell and Smith and
Stevens who went to cook school in Tokyo with Dad, Corporal Norris, Headlocke, Fienne, Sremmier, Bellette,
Willette, Jarimilla (or Jaramilla) from Albuquerque, New Mexico, John Misturack from Deslage, MO,
Garrison, Sgt. Thompson and Cp. Thompson (Camp Chaffee), Stokes (Camp Chaffee), Sgt. Justice (Camp
Chaffee), Sgt. Griffen (he was from Ireland), John T. Howard, Eugene Peterson from Kansas, Bourne,
Hildenbrand, Kim, Koptae, John KPs in Korea, Peewee, Kim Kat Toe, Song Kan (chun) yool (Koreans). He
also served with Herbert Dill from Phillipsburg, Kansas, but dad heard that he has since passed on.
Dad is still in touch with Eugene (Sad Sack) Pool. Dad arrived to and from Korea on the Marine Lynx.
Contact: hamilton@atcjet.net. I can put them in
touch with Dad.
[Posted 9/07/05]