505th Airborne Rangers Battalion, 2nd Recon Co., 2nd Div., 8th Army
Looking for any information or guys that I served with in the Korean War. If anybody has any
information concerning this, please contact me.
Leland "Crazy" Stephens at cookiechip68@yaoo.com.
2nd Infantry Division, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, HHS Company
My father, Severn "Tex" Simpson, served in the Korean War from 1951 until 1953. He is searching
for anyone who was with him with the 2nd Infantry Division, 37th Field Artillery Battalion HHS Company.
My father is 73 years old and until now has not spoken of anything about the war. I have some
pictures that he took while he was there and on one of them it has the name of Wayne Hollman on the back.
If anyone has information or knows of "Tex" Simpson, please feel free to call him at 325-773-5493 or
leave an e-mail with me, his daughter, at
karlaroysdon@sbcglobal.net. Anything would be nice. Maybe we can reunite some old war
buddies together.
HQ, 28th Field Artillery, 2nd Infantry Division
My husband, Carl L. Giles, served in the Army from 22 August 1951 to 14 August 1953. He was in the
Headquarters, 38th Field Artillery, 2nd Infantry Division (Indian Head). He was a field wireman with a
nine-man crew.
We would like to purchase a year book if you have any idea where I could find one. Also, when he was
ready to come home, there were three Korean men with him who signed a bill (currency). What would be the
best way to find these men today? Carl took a lot of pictures while he was in Korea and for the last few
years he has been invited to speak at the schools in the area. Do you have any material that would be
helpful to him?
Contact: Fay Giles, 18352 Tiller Trai,l Hwy., Days Creek, OR 97429
E-mail giles@tymewyse.com .
Buddies, 2nd Battalion, E Company, 23rd Infantry, 2nd Division

(Click picture for a larger view)
After being in combat in Korea from Jan. to July 1951 (2nd Battalion, E Company, 23rd Infantry, 2nd
Division), we came off the front lines for R&R to Osaka Japan. While on the roof of the seven-story Army
PX, this picture was taken. On the left is Sgt. Willig, SFC Charles Eads is on the right. The "boy" in the
middle is the one I am trying to remember and locate. Returning to Korea, we went on patrol in the
"punchbowl". The 23rd infantry was on one side and the Chinese on the other. While patrolling, we walked
into a mine field. This young medic corporal, maybe 18 or 19, stepped on a land mine and couldn’t walk. I
told him I would get him back to our lines. We started with me carrying him on my back while the Chinese
were trying to hit us with mortars. Arriving across the punchbowl to the bottom of the mountain, a mash
helicopter arrived and he was strapped on to the side. Just after the helicopter left, a mortar hit where
it had been, just missing it. If you recognize this boy in the middle, please contact: Charles F. Eads,
6416 San Como Lane, Camarillo, CA 93012, lorchar@verizon.net.
[Posted 10/12/05]
Stan Field/Stanfield
I have a Korean friend who was 17 in 1967 and was befriended by a 23-year old serviceman from the 2nd
division (I think armored), 702nd company, serving in or near the DMZ. My friend says the name on
the serviceman's shirt was "Stan Field", but he may be remembering wrong. It may have been
Stanfield. This serviceman wanted to take him to America, but my friend, having a girlfriend he
later married, declined. That's all I know. My friend loves Americans because he said they
helped him and his people when he and they were poor. He now (before he dies, he says) wants to
reunite with "Stan Field" or "Stanfield" to talk with him and thank him, etc. Can you help?
Contact: Don O'Malley at gdonwow@gmail.com.
[Posted 11/18/2010] |