First Tunnel
- Date of Discovery: November 15, 1974
- Location: 8km northeast of Korangp’o
- Dimension in meters: 3,500x1.2x0.9
- Length of tunnel in meters (south of Demarcation Line): 1,000
- Depth from ground in meters: .45
- Structure: concrete
- Capability of moving troops an hour: one regiment
- Distance from Seoul: 65km
This tunnel was located in the western sector of the DMZ, near Korangp’o, which was a battlefield
devastated by a well-armed North Korean surprise attack during the Korean War.
Second Tunnel
- Date of Discover: March 19, 1975
- Location: 13km north of Ch’orwon
- Dimensions in meters: 3,500x2x2
- Length of tunnel in meters (south of Demarcation Line): 1,100
- Depth from ground in meters: 50-160
- Structure: Arch-shaped & bored through bedrock
- Capability of moving troops an hour: 30,000 troops & field artillery
- Distance from Seoul: 101km
The second tunnel was found in the Central Sector of the DMZ northeast of the old battlefield of
Ch’orwon. The arch-shaped tunnel—large enough to handle such heavy weapons as armored personnel
carriers, tanks and field artillery—was capable of infiltrating at least 30,000 soldiers per hour into
open areas across the Ch’orwon Plains.
Third Tunnel
- Date of Discover: October 17, 1978
- Location: 4km south of Panmunjom
- Dimensions in meters: 1,635x1.95x2.1
- Length of tunnel in meters (south of Demarcation Line): 435
- Depth from ground in meters: 73
- Structure: Arch-shaped & bored through bedrock
- Capability of moving troops an hour: 30,000 troops & field artillery
- Distance from Seoul: 44km
The third tunnel burrowed by the North was discovered near the armistice village of Panmunjom only 44
kilometers north of Seoul. The third tunnel was also capable of moving a full division per hour, plus
their weapons, with the intention of clandestinely infiltrating them into the rear areas of the South to
form a second front.
Fourth Tunnel
- Date of Discovery: March 3, 1990
- Location: 26km northeast of Yanggu
- Dimensions in meters: 2,052x2x2
- Length of tunnel in meters (south of Demarcation Line): 1,052
- Depth from ground in meters: 145
- Structure: Arch-shaped & bored through bedrock
- Capability of moving troops an hour: massive forces & field artillery
- Distance from Seoul: 203km
The fourth tunnel, the first found in the Eastern Sector, was discovered about 26 kilometers
northeast of Yanggu. With this discovery, we know that North Korea has dug invasion tunnels along the
entire stretch of the front line.
