Photos - Aerial Over Korea

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Some of the most interesting photographs of Korea were taken from the air during the war years. This page of the Korean War Educator opened in August of 2001 with photographs submitted by Bartley Greenwood of Pensacola, Florida. Bartley was a member of UNCREG (see United Nations Involvement on this website) in 1953.

[Do you have a good, clear photograph that was taken from the air over Korea? If you do, you are invited to share it on this page of the Korean War Educator website. To submit your aerial photograph(s) and text, send it/them to: Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953, or E-mail to: .]

Han River south of Seoul, Korea, August 1953

IX Corps rest camp 15 miles south of Kumwha, Korea, August 1953

Mountain peaks north of Seoul, Korea, August 1953

(Click a photo for a larger view)


An aerial photo over Korea
(Click picture for a larger view)

Photo loaned courtesy of Paul B. DuMontelle, Emeritus Principal Geologist, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.  The print is a section of the NASA Earthlight picture, showing very clearly that South Korea is bright, and North Korea is nearly dark.  "Yes, this shows the United States of America did make a difference," Paul told the Korean War Educator.


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